Monthly Expenses Step 1 of 8 0% FULL NAME First Last MARTIAL STATUS* Married Single De-facto Divorced DEPENDENTS*012345678+EXPENSES* Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Household Living ExpensesHOUSEHOLD UTILITIES*Electricity, Gas, Property Maintenance COUNCIL RATES – Owner occupier & Investment Properties*Rates, Body Corporate & Strata Fees, Taxes & Levies, Repairs &Maintenance, Other household items TELEPHONE & INTERNET*Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Internet, Foxtel, Netflix, Music StreamingService, Video Streaming ServicesGROCERIES*Supermarket shop, Food delivery services, Takeaway & Dining out. RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT*Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Membership fees &subscriptions, Holidays, Pet careCLOTHING & PERSONAL CARE*Clothing, Footwear, Cosmetics, Personal care & Toiletries etc. MEDICAL & HEALTH (Excluding Health Insurance)*Doctor, Dental, Optical & PharmaceuticalTRANSPORT*Public Transport, Parking, Tolls, Fuel & Servicing EDUCATION*School fees, books, uniforms etc.CHILDCARE*Childcare including Nannies excluding child support/maintenance INSURANCE*Health, Life, Income Protection, Home & Contents, Motor VehicleOTHERTOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES Declaration that I__________________________* First Full Name for DeclarationConsent* Confirm the amounts above are a correct estimate of the applicant’s total household monthly living expensesConsent* Confirm that there are no foreseeable changes to my situation in the futureCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.